Working Labs

In this section we will be setting up our tool chain and then putting hands on keyboards. We will have the opportunity to actually use Nubis to complete a working deployment.

Setting up your local environment

In this working lab the instructor will help the students to get their local environments set up to work with Nubis. The documentation on the process is here.

Working with git & GitHub

In this lab each student will clone the nubis-dpaste repository. The students will then make a small change and push that back to GitHub. They will then make a pull-request back to the original repository.

The lab can be found here.

Deploying the Nubis example application (Dpaste)

In this lab the students will be walked through deploying their application into the training account. They will use Terraform to push their local copy of Dpaste into the training environment. The documentation can be found in the document.

Deploying your own application using nubis-skel

In this lab, the students will be shown how to make use of nubis-skel to rapidly prepare a local deployment. They will deploy it to the training account. They will then make one small change, roll a new image and update their deployment. Finally they will log onto the web instance.

The lab can be found here.