Walk Through

The process can seem a bit overwhelming and complicated at first. In an attempt to clarify the process for you I have created this little walk through that will allow you to deploy your first application using the Nubis Project.

We will be using the nubis-dpaste application for our deployment today.

If you have not already done so I recommend you read the documents linked in this section of the Getting Started guide.


First things first, you need to install a few tools in order to deploy an application using the Nubis Project. This is all covered in our Prerequisites document.

Checkout and Deploy

The next thing is to checkout the code and deploy the application. This is covered in the nubis-dpaste README


It is now time to play around with your new deployment. You will need to look up the DNS name of the load balancer in the AWS web console. Place that load balancer name in your Firefox URL bar and you should see the dpaste app.

In order to ssh into your instance you will need to connect through a jumphost.

ssh ec2-user@jumphost1.sandbox.us-west-2.nubis.allizom.org

Congratulations on your first Nubis deployment. Don't forget to delete your stack once you are done playing around to avoid excess billing charges.