
Welcome to the Nubis training documentation. As of this writing this is very much a work in progress. The table of contents is currently designed to help me to design the course content and help me keep track of my progress and what I have left to accomplish. This list will eventually link out to the content covered by each section.

Table of Contents

This section contains the material we will cover in the classroom session. Eventually we hope to develop this into a self-guided training course that a person can work through at their own pace.

  1. Introduction
  2. On listening to our customers
  3. Examples of current state
  4. How can we Improve
  5. Current operating model
  6. User experiences
  7. Future Operating Model
  8. New operating principles
  9. New way of thinking
  10. Twelve Factor Review
  11. Agile Development
  12. Symantic versioning
  13. Code Reviews
  14. Decentralization
  15. git and GitHub
  16. System level configuration
  17. Image Upgrades
  18. To Autoscale or Not to Autoscale
  19. Tainted Instances
  20. Security Requirements
  21. Exercise One
  22. Setup
  23. Organize into groups
  24. Chose a Topic
  25. Discuss Improvements
  26. Presentations and Discussions
  27. Nubis overview
  28. What is Nubis
  29. What can Nubis do for me
  30. What does Nubis provide
  31. Exercise Two
  32. Chose a Topic
  33. Diagram the deployment
  34. Demonstrations
  35. Deploy a new application
  36. Deploy new application code
  37. Continuous Integration work-flow
  38. Upgrade an account
  39. Troubleshooting
  40. Working Labs
  41. Setting up your local environment
  42. Working with git & GitHub
  43. Deploying the Nubis example application Dpaste
  44. Deploying your own application using nubis-skel
  45. Updating system level packages

Operational Documentation (HOWTOs)

Here are some links to context relevant HOWTOs which are intended to guide you through many of the tasks you will need to perform using Nubis.

  1. How do I deploy an app
  2. How do I login to AWS?
  3. aws-vault overview (still might like a wrapper script for account setup)
  4. Walk-through dpaste deploy
  5. Build custom app with nubis-skel
  6. Detailed working example for git and GitHub
  7. How do I build an AMI?
  8. Features of nubis-base
    • /etc/nubis.d/*
    • consul integration
  9. Puppet masterless
    • Puppet modules
    • librarian-puppet
  10. Packer overview
  11. nubis-builder overview
    • distrobutions supported
    • project.json file requirements and options
  12. How do I launch a jumphost?
  13. How do I access instances
  14. What is the meaning of immutable
  15. What happens when my instance is marked as tainted?
  16. How does monitoring work in AWS?
  17. How do I upgrade my account to Nubis latest?
  18. Terraform overview
  19. Consul overview
  20. Fluent overview
  21. Proxy overview (including nat)
  22. Database admin node
  23. How do I add and remove users from my account
  24. Levels of user permissions

Technical Documents (Design docs)

In this section you will find links to some of our technical and design documentation. This material is intended to help you with troubleshooting. It is also helpfull if you would like to get into helping us with Nubis development.

  • NSM monitoring
  • IP Blocklist
  • Nat setup / HA / State
  • User Management