Nubis-Dpaste Working Lab

In this lab we will walk through cloning the nubis-dpaste repository, making a change and submitting a pull request.

Fork The nubis-dpaste Repository On GitHub

Head over the the nubis-dpaste repository on GitHub and click the fork button.

GitHub Fork

Clone The Repository Locally

Next we will clone the repository locally. You can copy the url from github and paste it into your terminal.

GitHub Clone

git clone
cd nubis-dpaste

Make some local changes

Here we will make a local change. Lets say that the apache2ctl graceful command is not sufficent to apply our changes. Lets change that to apache2ctl restart.

vi nubis/puppet/files/update

Change apache2ctl graceful


To apache2ctl restart


Make a Pull Request

Now we want to get our changes accepted upstream so we can get this change into production. We will use a series of git commands to check in our change and submit a pull request.

Git stauts

Lets check the changes that git is aware of.

git status


Git diff

If we would like to double check that we are not including anything unintended in the commit we can look at the diff.

git diff


Git add

The next step is to add the changes we want to include.

git add nubis/puppet/files/update

Git status

Lets double check what git is going to include in our commit. We can see here that git is only going to include the change we made in this commit.

git status


Git commit

Now that we have added the changed file and verified what we are committing it is time to commit the changes. While it is possible to add a message to the commit command, I encourage you to always add the message through your editor as it gives you one last chance to ensure you are committing what you intended.

Go ahead and add a good commit message like Change apache graceful to restart

git commit


Git push

Finally it is time to push our local commit to our remote repository. Since we cloned this from our user space on GitHub this will push our changes to the repository hosted there.

git push


Create a Pull Request

Now we can head over to GitHub and make a pull request.

Load GitHub in your browser

Start by going to your nubis-dpaste repository on GitHub. For me the url is$GIT_USERNAME/nubis-dpaste, however you will need to change $GIT_USERNAME to your GitHub user name.

GitHub New Pull Request

Click on the New Pull Request button.


GitHub Create Pull Request

This is your final change to review your changes before creating the pull request. You can review all of the changes to all of the files that are going to be included. Once you have ensured that everything looks good, go ahead and click on the Create Pull Request button.


Code Review

Once that is complete, anyone with admin privileges on the original repository will be able to merge your pull request. At this point they may; make comments and ask you to make changes, reject the pull request, or simply r+ and merge in your changes.


Clean up

Since this is just an example and we do not want to actually make this change, lets go ahead and reset to a clean state.

This will reset your repository to the state it was in before the last commit. If you wish to remove the commit but leave the changed files in a "Changes to be committed" state you can use the --soft option in place of --hard. The HEAD~1 portion tells git to go back one commit from the tip of the repository.

git reset --hard HEAD~1

Finally, go ahead and push this up to your fork on GitHub.

NOTE: You do not want to normally remove commits from a public repository. This is especially important if anyone has forked your repository. In this case it should be safe since no one should have forked your repository yet. Use Caution

git push -f


That is the end of this lab. If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to us on #nubis-users.