
In this section we will walk through a few demonstrations describing how to perform various tasks using Nubis.

Deploy a new application

In this demonstration we will see a full, start to finish, example of deploying a web application from scratch using Nubis.

TODO Create new application video

Deploy new application code

Here we will see an example of updating code for an existing application in a sandbox account. This will be the process from updating code, rebuilding the image, through deploying the code in our sandbox environment.

Updating Sandbox video

Continuous Integration work-flow

Here we will see how to promote our application code from the staging environment into the production environment. We will discover that we deployed bad code and will then see how to roll back to a working state.

Continuous Integration video

Upgrade an account

In this demonstration we will see how to update a Nubis account that is running a Nubis deployed application.

Account upgrade video


In this demonstration we will see how to deploy a jumphost into the account. We will then log into the jumphost and then log into a web server. This is a simple demonstration to illustrate how to get into a production Nubis account for troubleshooting. We will then see how tainted resources are treated.

Accessing instances video